08:00 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:30 Welcome Speeches
Dr. Zdravko Kačič, University of Maribor Rector
Dr. Jure Gašparič, State Secretary at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia
Mag Dunja Legat, University of Maribor Library Director
Julien Roche, LIBER President
Moderator: Martine Pronk, LIBER Executive Director
09:30 – 10:15 Keynote Speech by Dan Podjed, Senior Research Fellow at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Institute of Slovenian Ethnology), and Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology)
“The relevance of the book in the age of digital transformation”
The syntagm “digital transformation” has become a popular catchphrase, heralding a new era in which humans, much like in Kafka’s short story The Metamorphosis, are transformed into something completely new. So what role does the book play in this digital age? Can it compete with digital content, social media, and computer games? This talk explores these questions using the example of the recently published book duo Crisolation, which fuses science and fiction into a “science fiction” work. In this way, the talk seeks to demonstrate how books can continue to act as generators of innovation, objects of desire, and portals to virtual worlds that take shape within the human imagination. In this sense, the book remains a crucial tool for expanding human horizons and promoting social engagement.
Moderator: Ms. Barbara Petrovič, University of Maribor, Rectorate
10:15 – 10:35 Group photo
10:35 – 10:55 Coffee Break
11:00 – 13:00 Parallel Workshops
Workshop 1. Expanding Horizons: LIBER Rights & Values – Heading towards 2027
Organiser: LIBER Rights & Values
Speaker: Cécile Swiatek Cassafieres
The LIBER 2023-2027 Community-driven Strategy outlines three driving factors impacting research libraries and LIBER, amongst which “upkeeping Rights & Values”. The LIBER members and partners phrased it as “an increasing awareness and demand by society and academia to uphold rights and values in the digital scholarly environment”. How can our Community grasp the subject and lead it towards the horizon that the LIBER strategy gives it: “by 2027, research libraries embody and uphold values of integrity, diversity and inclusion inside and outside the research community”? If you would like to take part in the debate on this subject, join this workshop!
Workshop 2. Revolutionising Research Library Services with Collaboration, Social Engagement, and Living Labs — The LibrarIN Guide to Innovation
Organiser: LibrarIN Project
Speakers: Marieke Willems, Olivier Hersperger, and Arja Firet
Libraries, including research libraries, have evolved from providing information to users to complex service systems. In this process, libraries have embarked on an innovation journey. Social innovation in libraries are increasingly important trends, but literature is not very helpful to novices looking for the basics & best practices. Aiming to bridge this gap, LibrarIN presents a practical implementation guide. The workshop will showcase examples of living labs in research libraries, an experimental approach to innovation processes by engaging multiple stakeholder groups. LibrarIN aims to validate these guidelines with the workshop audience, tailoring them to the needs of library management & staff.
Workshop 3. “Enhancing the discoverability of open textbooks” – Let’s work together to finish the “Guidelines for (LIBER) libraries about how to include more open textbooks into their discovery systems”
Organiser: LIBER Educational Resources Working Group
Speakers: Helen Moore, Tamara Pianos, and Nicole Krüger
The LIBER ER WG worked on improving the discoverability of open textbooks in 2023 and 2024. During this period, we extracted the existing knowledge, gained an overview of the situation in different libraries across several countries and are currently working on guidelines for libraries who would like to enhance open textbook visibility in their own discovery systems. We would like to get input from the LIBER community on the guidelines-draft. We will share the draft with workshop participants before the event and will work together to make the text work for everyone who is interested in improving the situation.
Workshop 4. Diamond OA Capacity Centres (DOACCs) and their relationship with libraries
Organiser: LIBER Open Access Working Group
Speakers: Sofie Wennström and Olaf Siegert
As a result of the Diamond OA Study (https://scienceeurope.org/our-resources/oa-diamond-journalsstudy/) and the following action plan published in 2022, there have been quite a few national and international initiatives that aim to reduce the fragmentation of single isolated institutional publishing entities in universities and research institutions. Some of these initiatives to collect resources, knowledge and funding capacity are now framed as “Diamond Open Access Capacity Centres” (DOACC). With our workshop, we want to showcase DOACCs in the making and explore how they could serve the academic community and the libraries interested in supporting these initiatives.
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:10 – 16:10 Parallel Workshops
Workshop 5. How can libraries promote open research publishing practices? Insights from the Open Research Europe Librarian Advisory Group
Organiser: Open Research Europe (ORE) Librarian Advisory Group
Speakers: Kelly Woods, Liam Bullingham, Alenka Princic, Andrew Simpson, and Kristoffer Holmqvist
This workshop will be an excellent opportunity to share past successes and learn from activities and strategies that have not worked to encourage movement from researchers towards open research practices. Participants will benefit from the hivemind of the collective through the sharing of experiences but also through new idea generation through the world cafe method. The workshop should lead to potential practical activities participants can take back to their own institutions and hopefully start to apply them there, to drive the open research movement forward.
Workshop 6. How to be a trusted partner with stakeholders
Organiser: LIBER Leadership Programmes Working Group
Speakers: Gyöngyi Karácsony and Thomas Chaimbault-Petitjean
The theme of the winter event “Expanding Horizons: Research Libraries and Social Engagement” calls for leadership – it is crucial as a leader to work on building trust. The workshop ‘How to be a trusted partner with stakeholders´ addresses how we as leaders work both within and outside of our organisations in order to build trust – with a view to expanding horizons. The workshop consist of exercises and discussions among peers.
Workshop 7. Translating Recommendations into Actions
Organiser: LIBER Copyright & Legal Matter Working Group
Speakers: Judith Ludwig and Maurits van der Graaf
Translating high level policy recommendations into tangible action for the research library community can be challenging. This workshop will focus on a project trying to do just that- to take several policy papers with recommendations critical to research libraries and transform them into a practical/ tangible action plan for library leaders and practitioners. This session will be relevant for colleagues interested in digital scholarship, AI, data science, Open Science, Copyright, data management.
Workshop 8. The role of data sets in scholarly publishing and Open Science ecosystems: Supporting LIS Scholars and Practitioners
Organiser: LIBER Quarterly in collaboration with Open Science NL
Speakers: Trudy Turner, Ann-Sofie Axelsson, and Elisa Rodenburg
This workshop will convene a group of panel experts specialising in scholarly publishing, research data management and LIS practitioner-focused research. Panel members will provide positions on the role of datasets in the larger scholarly publishing and Open Science ecosystems, discuss how scholarly journals might better support Open Science and the FAIR principles and reflect on some options for making datasets underlying research papers available. Participants of the workshop will be invited to contribute to these reflections through a World-Café exercise. The workshop will conclude with the panel providing some various outcomes.
16:10 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:30 UnConference – Engage with us!
In this session, attendees are given the freedom to create the agenda they want and provide the topics they would like to discuss. In the UnConference – Engage with us! session, we invite you to share your experiences, issues, frustrations, successes, or failures. You get the opportunity to discuss, inspire, get feedback, challenge, or surprise colleagues by claiming a 15-minute slot with a discussion topic of your choice. You can address any related to the event’s theme, “Expanding Horizons: Research Libraries and Social Engagement.” topic in any format you like. Submit your proposal here. We look forward to your contributions!
Moderator: Martine Pronk, LIBER Executive Director
19:00 LIBER Winter Event Dinner, featuring music by the Maribor Octet.
Slovene National Theatre Maribor
Address: Slovenska ulica 27, 2000 Maribor