LIBER Research Data Management Working Group
Data Management Plan Catalogue
Welcome to the Data Management Plan (DMP) Catalogue of the LIBER Research Data Management Working Group. This “DMP CAT” is an innovative approach to provide:
- A central hub for DMPs from different disciplines
- Quality reviews of the DMPs with assessments of the quality of the different parts
The purpose of this catalogue is to inspire researchers and others in the process of writing a Data Management Plan.
This DMP CAT provides the metadata and reviews in tabular form on this website and links to the citable and DOI-equipped PDF version of the DMPs on Zenodo. This means that the DMP are officially published via Zenodo: authors and contributors are properly listed and linked to their ORCID-ID, the DMP received as persistent link and is citable.
Further Information
About this DMP Catalogue
About this DMP Catalogue
Currently this DMP catalogue consists of DMP from finished projects, from a variety of European states and universities.
The DMPs were not written by their authors with the knowledge that they will be assessed by the LIBER Research Data Management Working Group; therefore we prefer to highlight the positive and remarkable parts of the document. We do not dare to criticise a document that was written unknowingly of our review matrix and purpose of this DMP catalogue.
Our aim is to provide a hub with referential DMP from a variety of subjects and disciplines. May this growing pool of published DMP be of help and inspiration to the research and research support community.
The working group members involved with reviewing the DMPs and providing an assessment according to the established review matrix are research support staff and not researchers. Neither are we accredited by the funding bonders nor certifiably trained to deliver an authoritative review.
Our aim is not to assess the quality of the DMP in relation to the quality provided by their authors, rather to assess the quality of the DMP for possible users in terms of reference, inspiration and good practices.
To establish and foster this hub of referential DMPs would be of great positive influence to the research communities we support in our institutions and eventually aid the simplification of writing DMP across disciplines.
Current & Future Plans
Current & Future Plans
This is the first version of this catalogue and has the following characteristics:
- Tabular metadata, with no advanced search functionality
- DMP in PDF form via Zenodo, with no machine-actionable features
- Top-level review display, with no detailed presentation of review assessment.
A potential future version of this catalogue could have the following characteristics:
- Searchable and retrievable metadata via advanced search engine on web-page
- DMP in machine-actionable form via RIOjournal (and DMPonline)
- Detailed display of review assessments
The Review Process Explained
The Review Process Explained
While providing local DMP support in our institutions, the documents and help-pages provided by our British colleagues at the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) have proven to be very helpful.
We took the performance level structure of the “DCC H2020 DMP Compliance Rubric” and the sections of the “DCC Checklist for a Data Management Plan v4”, to create our first version of the LIBER DMP CAT Review Matrix.
At least two working group members review a DMP independently, filling in each performance level of each section. All reviews are collided and merged to a final review, which is displayed in the ‘Review Conclusion’ field in the metadata-body here on the DMP CAT.
The Metadata Catalogue Explained
The Metadata Catalogue Explained
The metadata-body of each DMP entry contains the following information:
Descriptive Metadata
- Project Title – Original Project Title
- Original DMP Source – Original Web-presence of first publication
- DOI DMP Version – Published Version on Zenodo (or similar)
- Publication Year – Year of official publication on Zenodo (or similar)
- DMP Status – First Submission and Versions or Final Submission
- Funder Information – Link to official funder project entry
- Research Subject – Keyword and internal Tag
- Project Description Short – Copy from abstract paragraph
Review Process Metadata
- Review Date – MMYYYY of LIBER DMP CAT member review
- Review Publication Date – MMYYYY of LIBER DMP CAT review publication
- Review Conclusion – Overall conclusion and short pros and cons
Assessment Results
- Administrative Data – Basic and contextual project information
- Data Collection – Data, code, and methodology characteristics
- Documentation and Metadata – Metadata creation, documentation, applied standards
- Ethics and Legal Compliance – Consent, legal and ethical considerations, access restriction needs
- Storage and Backup – Storing, Backup, Sharing regime and resources
- Selection and Preservation – Long-term archiving, digital curation and preservation
- Data Sharing – Access control, Licensing, Open Data
Project & contact details
Project & contact details
This DMP CAT is a priority output of LIBER’s Research Data Management Working Group.
The project was led from June 2017-July 2018 by Jasmin K. Böhmer of TU Delft Library, Netherlands. The following working group members were involved in the first phase of the project (June-August 2017):
- Birgit Schmidt, Göttingen State and University Library, Germany
- Rob Grim, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Jesper Boserup Thestrup, Royal Danish Library, Denmark
- Claudia Kramer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Alastair Dunning, TU Delft Library, Netherlands
- Jasmin K. Böhmer, TU Delft Library, Netherlands
The following working group members were involved in the second phase of the project (September 2017-July 2018):
- Alastair Dunning, TU Delft Library, Netherlands
- Jasmin K. Böhmer, TU Delft Library, Netherlands
- Jesper Boserup Thestrup, Royal Danish Library, Denmark
- Liisi Lembinen, University of Tartu Library, Estonia
- Mari Elisa Kuusniemi, Helsinki University Library, Finland
Special thanks to the dedicated colleagues at the Research Data Services of TU Delft Library for supporting both phases and contributing DMP reviews between June 2017 and July 2018.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this project, contributing DMPs to the catalogue, or if you simply have a question, please contact Birgit Schmidt or Rob Grim.
More information on the RDM Working Group is available here.
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