LIBER Projects

As part of our work to connect and represent research libraries in Europe, we initiate and participate in strategic and innovative projects. We do this with years of experience in engaging stakeholders throughout the research lifecycle and in advocating and lobbying at the European and local level.



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Strategic and innovative projects

LIBER brings to projects the strengths of our network of European Research Libraries and extensive expertise in the areas of:

  • Leading the uptake of Open Science practices
  • Promoting Innovative Scholarly Communication
  • Supporting the development of digital skills and associated training activities
  • Fostering the development and uptake of research (e)infrastructures and services
  • Working with academic communities on metrics and incentives to support more open, transparent, and fulfilling research and scholarly practices

Completed Projects: LIBER has collaborated extensively with other institutions on a variety of funded projects.

  • AAA Study

    AAA Study – This project examined AAA (authentication, authorisation and accounting) platforms and services for scientific data/information resources. Targeted actors were the research and education communities, information service providers (data centres, libraries) and e-Infrastructure/technology providers. The final report was published in September 2012.

  • AARC2

    AARC2 (Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration) -The AARC initiative was launched in May 2015 to address the increased need for federated access and for authentication and authorisation mechanisms by research and e-infrastructures. A second phase of the project (AARC2) started in May 2017 to continue to develop and pilot an integrated cross-discipline authentication and authorisation framework, building on existing authentication and authorisation infrastructures (AAIs).


    APARSEN (Alliance Permanent Access to the Records of Science in Europe Network) – A four year project which aimed to overcome fragmentation in research and development in digital preservation by bringing together major European players to combine and integrate these efforts into a shared programme of work, thereby creating a pre-eminent virtual research centre in digital preservation in Europe.

  • ELE

    European Language Equality (ELE) – The ELE project united 52 partners to build a strategic research, innovation, and implementation agenda for achieving full digital language equality in Europe by 2030.

  • EOSCpilot

    EOSCpilot – EOSCpilot was the first funded project that provided a clear starting point and the foundational work needed to build the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud). Across more than two years, the project delivered significant contributions to the EOSC in the areas of governance, policies, interoperability, architecture, and services, and provided the first “EOSC in practice” – the EOSC science demonstrators.


    EUDAT – The European project EUDAT2020 has built an online platform where research data can be stored. The data on the platform is open. This makes it accessible and reusable for researchers (from academia and industry), citizen scientists, policy makers, and members of the public. The EUDAT2020 project targets community-specific data repository managers, encouraging them to join the data infrastructure to archive, replicate, process and catalogue data on behalf of their community.

  • Europeana Cloud

    Europeana Cloud – This project delivered an efficient solution to storing, sharing and providing access to the digital cultural heritage content brought together by Europeana. LIBER made a significant contribution to dissemination and networking tasks, helping to extensively update and maintain the website, to communicate activity via social media and to present the project at external events.

  • Europeana Libraries

    Europeana Libraries – This important development project delivered metadata for 5,000,000 digital objects from several LIBER member institutions into the Europeana portal. The project also investigated the indexing of full-text and constructed a Best Practice Network, bringing together LIBER, CENL, CERL and Europeana.

  • Europeana Newspapers

    Europeana Newspapers – Thousands of digital newspapers were refined and aggregated for The European Library and Europeana. LIBER led the dissemination Work Package for this project.

  • Europeana Travel

    Europeana Travel – Some 4,000 maps, 16,000 images and 20,000 texts were digitised thanks to this project. Europeana Travel also strengthened collaboration between CENL and LIBER and delivered an aggregation tool which enabled LIBER libraries to aggregate their materials for inclusion in Europeana.


    FOSTER – Through face-to-face training and e-learning, FOSTER helped researchers, librarians and other stakeholders in the European Research Area (ERA) to adopt open access and open science as part of their daily workflow.

  • FOSTER Plus

    FOSTER Plus – The project has built on the existing FOSTER portal and training materials that were developed in the first FOSTER project. It developed more advanced-level and discipline-specific materials that support the practical adoption of Open Science, such as the FOSTER Open Science Toolkit and the Open Science Training Handbook.

  • FutureTDM

    FutureTDM – This project sought to improve uptake of Text and Data mining in the EU for research environments. LIBER identified, engaged and communicated with all relevant stakeholders including libraries, researchers, publishers, SMEs and industry in order to stimulate discussion around text and data mining and feedback on uptake barriers and solutions.

  • HuMetricsHSS

    HuMetricsHSS – Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the collaborative HuMetricsHSS pilot aimed to reverse-engineer the process of using evaluation metrics.

  • INOS

    INOS – Funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, the INOS project worked to modernise Higher Education Institutions’ (HEIs) curricula through civic engagement in OS and CS.


    LEARN – The European project LEARN (LEaders Activating Research Networks) raised awareness of research data management and policy issues to institutions. LIBER lead the work on dissemination, engaging its members through the LEARN website and LEARN workshops.

  • MedOANet

    MedOANet – Open Access strategies, structures and policies in six countries of the Mediterranean area (Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Turkey) were mapped as part of this project. LIBER focused on strategic networking and on providing a pan-European perspective both in terms of mapping policies, strategies and structures and with regards to implementing Open Access policies.

  • MES-CoBraD

    MES-CoBraD – The primary objective of the MES-CoBraD project was to improve early, accurate, and comprehensive diagnosis of CoBraD through the multisource-multidisciplinary MES-CoBraD Assessment Protocol.

  • ODE

    ODE (Opportunities for Data Exchange) – Several reports on the role of libraries in data sharing, data citation, and linking data to publications were produced. There were also two key fact-finding missions. The first was the identification of success stories, near-misses and honorable failures in data sharing in a few selected disciplines. A second key activity was the analysis of the interplay between scholarly communication today and data.

  • OpenMinTed

    OpenMinTed – OpenMinTeD built an online infrastructure that makes content much easier to mine, by making existing text mining tools discoverable and interoperable.

  • OpenAIRE2020

    OpenAIRE2020 – OpenAIRE2020’s goal was to implement European Commission Open Access policies and increase their impact by extending the infrastructure that makes it possible to manage and monitor EC-funded research.


    SSHOC – The SSHOC project worked to create a European open cloud ecosystem for social sciences and humanities (SSH). SSHOC encourages secure environments for sharing and using sensitive and confidential data, and contributes to the Open Science agenda and the realisation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).


    PASTEUR4OA – A network of centres of expertise – the Knowledge Net – was built in order to strengthen and better coordinate Open Access strategies and policies. LIBER played a key role in communicating the outcomes of this project, and organised the Final Conference in Amsterdam.

  • ReCODE

    ReCODE – The Policy RECommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe project addressed challenges within the open access, data dissemination and preservation sector and produced policy recommendations for open access to research data based on existing good practice.

  • reCreating Europe

    reCreating EuropeRethinking Digital Copyright Law for a Culturally Diverse, Accessible & Creative Europe. The reCreating Europe Project looked at how the regulatory framework of copyright and flexibilities in the law can promote culturally diverse production and optimise inclusive access and consumption of digital culture.