LIBER Quarterly Journal

LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries, has always been devoted to affordable Open Access business models for scientific journals.

In the domain of Library and Information Sciences (LIS) it brings this principle into practice through its own journal, LIBER Quarterly, which is intended to form a bridge between the scholars of the LIS departments and the practitioners in our university and research libraries.

It will achieve this by publishing not only theoretical contributions but also descriptions of examples of good practices.

LIBER Quarterly seeks to cover all aspects of modern research librarianship and information delivery.

Contributions from outside of Europe are welcome whenever their subject may be relevant for the librarians and researchers in our European research institutes.

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[Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash]

LIBER Quarterly Editorial Board

The LIBER Quarterly peer review process is overseen by an Editorial Board.

The Board is Chaired by Heli Kautonen and the Managing Editor is Trudy Turner.

Learn more about the Editorial Team.


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