Open Research Europe (ORE) Project

Open Research Europe: A new publishing platform launched by the European Commission. The platform will provide all H2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries and their collaborators with an easy, high-quality venue to publish Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funded research at no cost and in full compliance with the Commission’s open access policies.





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LIBER plays a crucial role in the Open Research Europe (ORE) project (a project led by F1000) which has created a new peer-reviewed Open Access publishing platform. The purpose of the publishing platform is to enable Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries to publish their research openly and at no cost.

The ORE project is funded by the European Commission and will run for four years, starting in 2020. In November 2020, author guidelines for submitting articles to the platform were published and the platform officially started accepting submissions. An official launch of the platform took place in early 2021. Currently, in 2023, the platform is celebrating two-years of publishing. Over 1,800 authors from 340 different institutions and 45 different countries have published their research with Open Research Europe, with over 340 articles covering everything from battery performance for electric vehicles to Renaissance shipbuilding.


LIBER’s role within the project is to spearhead efforts to engage research libraries and other stakeholders who could benefit from the platform. Our activities include the organisation of workshops and webinars to introduce the platform to relevant stakeholders and provide training. We will also contribute to the project’s sustainability strategy and ensure that all project news reaches the right audiences within the Open Access landscape in Europe.

Moreover, the ORE project directly relates to LIBER’s 2023-2027 Strategy, in particular to our goal to ensure that Open Access is the predominant form of publishing.


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Open Research Europe Librarian Advisory Group

The group, established in the summer of 2023, serves as a space for Open Research Europe and the research library community to share knowledge, bolster uptake of Open Research Europe, and drive the open research movement forward.

The ultimate role of the Open Research Europe Librarian Advisory Group is to provide valuable contributions to the functionality and sustainability of the platform, discuss ways that we can foster and nurture collaboration with institutional librarians to improve research sharing practices and identify how best to engage audiences about the importance of open research.

The group is composed of 24 library managers, Open Research experts, and innovators from LIBER member libraries, representing 20 European countries. Members of the Advisory Group provide valuable input and feedback based on their experiences in their libraries, helping enhance the functionality and sustainability of the ORE platform.

The group meets several times a year, both online and in person, facilitated by Kelly Woods from F1000. Barbara van der Vaart serves as the primary contact at the LIBER office.

If you are a research librarian who is passionate about open research and is looking to learn more about the Open Research Europe Librarian Advisory Group, please see the call for participation here.


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ORE Objectives

  • Improve scientific research, involve citizens and society in the research process, as well as accelerate innovation
  • Contribute towards transparency and cost-effectiveness in scientific publishing, as well as towards the exploration of sustainable open access business models
  • Provide a high-quality, reliable, and efficient publishing venue for EU research
  • Provide an online space where grantees can publish post-grant the results of their work while respecting their open access obligations
  • Provide beneficiaries of Horizon 2020 with a high-quality service that meets general and discipline-specific standards of scientific publishing
  • Work towards a more open, collaborative, interdisciplinary, data-intensive, and networked way of doing research and sharing research results across researchers, scientific communities, and society
  • Encourage technology-enabled innovations in scholarly communication
  • Support the integrity and transparency of the research process and reproducibility of research by linking publications with their underpinning data and providing the latter in open access (‘as open as possible as closed as necessary’) in infrastructures that meet the standards of the European Open Science Cloud or are federated in it.

Project News

Project Resources

Past ORE Events for Research Librarians

Do you have a question or comment about the ORE project? Please fill out this form and mention ‘ORE project’ in your comment. We appreciate your thoughts and feedback.

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