Tuba has been working in academic libraries for over 24 years at different capacities. Following her graduation from Indiana University with a MLS, she started her career as a systems librarian. Currently, she works as the library director position at Koç University, one of the most prominent universities in Turkey. Within the scope of this position, she manages 5 libraries in 3 different cities in the country. Collection development, e-resources management, library automation, resource sharing, and scholarly communication are some of the areas she is responsible for.
She has been actively involved with the Turkish national university libraries consortium (ANKOS) governance, including as its President between 2016-2018. She is an active advocator of open science in the region.
Tuba serves on various national, regional and international advisory boards. She is chair of the IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Standing Committee and member of the University and Research Library Association (UNAK) Sustainable Libraries Standing Committee.