Keeping open infrastructure open: The SCOSS 4th pledging round info session
Do you want to learn more about Dryad, LA Referencia and ROR, the infrastructures selected for the 4th funding cycle of Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS)? Join LIBER, EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) and SCOSS for a 75-minute webinar focused on these critical open infrastructures for science and scholarship, the services they provide, and how your institution can support them through SCOSS.
About the event
Signifying the crucial importance of publication and data repositories and the metadata registries that support their discovery and interoperability, Dryad, LA Referencia, and the Research Organization Registry (ROR) were selected as targets for the fourth round of crowdfunding from SCOSS.
In this webinar, you will hear from representatives of the three infrastructures introducing their organisations and their paths towards sustainability. This will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives from research libraries and library consortia who will talk more about their motivations and experiences in funding open infrastructure, and how SCOSS facilitates this process.
- Helen Dobson, Licensing portfolio specialist: Research, Jisc
- Susan Reilly, Director IReL
- Demmy Verbeke, Head KU Leuven Libraries Artes
There will be time for questions from the audience during a Q&A session.
Who can join?
Participants will learn how libraries and their consortia are committing to securing open infrastructure and why, whilst hearing about specific SCOSS-selected infrastructures that need our help to remain open, independent and community-led. Join the webinar to learn more about the fourth SCOSS pledging round and how SCOSS is committed to keeping open infrastructure open.
Registration is free and open to all. Register here.