Linked Worlds 2011


Linked Worlds refers to a situation where information and digital services are ubiquitous. The leading idea in the conference is to get different perspectives on the nature of the society as it may look after massive digitalization efforts in all areas (objects and processes). The programme should be general in the approach to the topic and in no way be limited to the library point of view.

The five views are

  • The infrastructure view (linked data, mash up etc.)
  • Social view – user involvement, citizen science, crowd sourcing
  • The cultural and/or philosophical view
  • The game and/or  economic view and
  • The library view

The conference welcomes a wide audience of educators, researchers and practitioners, CENL and LIBER members to join the discussions on the latest research, best practices, and especially visions for future challenges.
The Conference will take place on the 27 September and the 28 September 2011, after the CENL (Conference for European Librarians) at  The  Royal Library  (The Black Diamond).
The Royal Library will host a reception for the participators on Tuesday 27 September.

See the program and registration form here

The Royal Library, Denmark