25 Nov. 2020 – Webinar: FIM Principles & Recommendations for Libraries

Posted: 14-10-2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Amsterdam)Access to online library resources can be quite complex. Patrons normally have easy access when signed on to a campus network but when working from other locations — as modern work patterns often demand — the same patrons are increasingly asked to ‘log in to their institution’. This process can release identifying information.

Known as federated authentication, delivering Single Sign On (SSO), this process, if not configured correctly, is at odds with the responsibility of libraries to protect their patrons’ privacy.

In order to preserve patron privacy, while also making the configuration and management of federated SSO connections easier for both libraries and publishers, LIBER’s FIM4L Working Group has drafted 10 Implementation Principles for SSO. Watch the webinar to learn about them and why libraries should be interested!

Register for the webinar!