Contribute to the PALOMERA Survey on Open Access Book Policies

Posted: 29-08-2023 Topics: Open Access

The PALOMERA Project (Policy Alignment of Open Access Monographs in the European Research Area) focuses on ensuring that academic books and monographs are not neglected in Open Science and Open Access (OA) policies. The project is conducting a survey on the needs, obstacles and challenges of policy-making for open access books. LIBER, as partners in the project, encourage library stakeholders and the wider research community to take part in the survey to help provide actionable recommendations for the development of open access book policies on the European, national and institutional level.

Take part.

About the survey

Academic books continue to play an important role in scholarly production, particularly in the social sciences and humanities. Nevertheless, academic books have not been a focal point for open access policy-makers so far.

This survey is a contribution to an extensive collection of data. Based on the evidence given by the survey results, PALOMERA will provide actionable recommendations for the development of open access book policies on the European, national and institutional level. By taking part in this survey, you will contribute to the research needed to speed up the transformation of the book market to open access.

Access the survey. The deadline for responses is 15 September 2023. 


PALOMERA is an EU-funded project that addresses the challenge of academic books and monographs being neglected in OS and OA policies. While books are a vital way to share research in many disciplines, they are rarely mandated to be published OA by research funders and institutions. PALOMERA will investigate the reasons for this situation and provide actionable recommendations to speed up the transition to OA books, further promoting Open Science.

LIBER participates in PALOMERA to engage the research library community in this issue, and help shape policy recommendations in line with the interests of research libraries and their stakeholders.

Find more about PALOMERA on the OPERAS website or download the project brochure.

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