Digital Scholarship and Digital Cultural Heritage Collections Working Group

LIBER Libraries and Digital Humanities: A Survey

Posted: 21-06-2019 Topics: Annual Conference Strategy

If you have followed the LIBER mailing list and this blog you will have seen that the Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage working group has issued a LIBER-wide survey on digital humanities (DH). We are very pleased to now share the report following this survey with you!

The report is now available on Zenodo and will be handed out at LIBER’s 2019 Annual Conference. Come find us at the poster session or pick one up at the LIBER stand. Please share your thoughts on Twitter using #LIBERDH.

What Can I Expect of the Report?

The report serves two purposes;

  1. To provide an overview of the current state of digital humanities in participating LIBER libraries;
  2. To share what we learned as a working group through the survey and our other activities to help libraries wishing to engage with DH.

Key Recommendations

The report describes seven key recommendations to provide libraries with a framework to use when setting up or solidifying their DH activities. The data of the survey serves as background information on how other libraries have organised their DH work and gives examples for possible solutions if challenges arise. The full data set will be published after the LIBER conference.

Previous Work

The report builds on the previous work of the working group. The total work represents a package of information to help libraries gather their ideas about digital humanities in their own organisation and enough – but not too much – examples to ensure it fits their capacity, showcases their collections and also meets the needs of their researchers.

Future of the Working Group

The working group will continue for another two years building on the results of this survey. We have identified four themes in need of further exploration or clarification and will focus our efforts on these. We cannot do this alone and will be looking for new members to help build the knowledge network of DH librarians in LIBER and to strenthen the position in libraries in DH. Keep an eye out on this space for our call for members or express your interest to Lotte Wilms.


We wish to thank all participants for taking the time to fill out the survey and all our members who provided input for the survey.

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