Enhancing the discoverability of open textbooks: Guidelines for LIBER libraries
LIBER Educational Resources Working Group organised a workshop at the recent LIBER Winter Event with the aim of getting feedback and reactions from the community on the draft checklist for libraries to use to increase the discoverability of open textbooks.
The workshop was run by the current co-chairs of the working group: Nicole Krüger (ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland), Helen Moore (University of Sheffield, UK), and Tamara Pianos (ZBW, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Germany). You can see our slides on the LIBER Zenodo page.
Left to right: Helen Moore, Tamara Pianos, Nicole Krüger
After an entertaining ice-breaker (thanks Tamara!), the group set to work looking at the draft checklist. With 18 participants we were able to have a good discussion about whether the checklist was fit for purpose. It soon became clear that the checklist as it stands would not be appropriate for every country. Each country faces a set of unique challenges regarding educational resources. With this in mind we plan to review the checklist, incorporate comments from the group and create a document that can be tailored to each setting. Following this, we will publish and promote the checklist to the LIBER community. Watch this space!
LIBER Educational Resources Working Group
December 2024
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