LIBER Alert | Research Library and Open Science News | April 22, 2020
This is the 33rd LIBER Alert.
LIBER Alerts are delivered once every two weeks to you and 521 other readers because you’ve signed up for news, resources and links from LIBER, its network and the world of Open Science. Receive LIBER Alerts directly by email.
Call to Action: Support Distance Learning & Research
During this unprecedented global emergency, we need urgent copyright law action to support distance learning and research.
LIBER asks European Commissioners, Member State governments, publishers and authors to urgently help libraries, universities and other educational establishments, so that they can continue supplying researchers, teachers and students with access to books, archives and other instructional materials
We Need Your Help!
Please highlight our statement by sending it to your government’s ministers. Think of ministers from your department for education, as well as departments covering libraries and intellectual property issues. Their contact details are normally available on the open web. If you have contacts with senior civil servants in the same departments, writing to them would also be helpful.

Keep the week of 22 June free for LIBER 2020 ONLINE: the virtual version of our Annual Conference! Speakers from across Europe’s research library community will share their insights. The conference will be free to attend.
Subscribers to this newsletter who want to receive specific LIBER 2020 ONLINE updates can click on the ‘update your subscription preferences’ link at the bottom of this email.
- SSO Recommendations: Improve remote access to online library resources by giving feedback on these 10 Implementation Principles for SSO (drafted by our FIM4L Working Group). Read more
- Job Opening: We’re looking for a Community Engagement & Communications Officer to organise European project-related events and activities, to work on other project-related tasks and to support overall LIBER communications. Read more
- Impact of Covid-19 on Library Services: Help us crowdsource informationabout the measures taken by libraries and share best-practices and tips on dealing with this crisis. Please fill out this spreadsheet
- LIBER Executive Board: Interested in LIBER’s work? Have ideas for shaping our future strategic priorities? We’re looking for two new people to serve on our Executive Board. Read more
- Open Science Skills: In 2019, our Digital Skills for Library Staff and Researchers Working Group embarked on a project to define the skills needed for Open Science and developed this OS Skills visualisation, which identifies the skills and knowledge needed to practice OS effectively. Read more
- Toolkit for Trainers in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Just launched! Read more
- Support for Repository Certification. A new report lays the groundwork for the adoption of Trustworthy Digital Repository (TDR) standards and the FAIR principles in SSH data repositories. Read more
- Transcribing Interview Data Q&A. After a successful Hands-on Tutorial on Transcribing Interview Data (webinar), tutorial participants and others interested are invited to join upcoming Q&A sessions. Read more
- Call for Participation. Know a SSH researcher who’d like to test the alpha release of SSHOC’s SSH Open Marketplace during a ICTeSSH workshop? Apply to win registration and travel expenses. Read more
- Vocabularies Survey: SSH researchers are invited to contribute to the discovery and mapping of research practices in the use of vocabularies. Read more
Want to be updated directly on SSHOC news? Sign up for the SSHOC newsletter and join the SSHOC Training Community.
- Roadmap Published: Download your copy of this Roadmap which aims to enhance the impact of Open Science, Citizen Science and Open Innovation activities by offering pedagogical support to HEIs and other organisers of relevant activities. Read more
Stay up to date with the latest Open Science and Citizen Science news and results of the INOS project. Subscribe
reCreating Europe
Follow our new digital copyright project on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and stay tuned for the website launch!
- SSHOC Webinar: How to improve the quality of your repository? SSHOC and certification of repositories — 23 April 1500 CEST — Discover the benefits of certification and learn how your repository can achieve the CoreTrustSeal. Register
- ReCreating Europe Webinar: Public and private regulatory framework of online intermediaries — 5 May 0900 CEST — Join the first online workshop of the reCreating Europe project on mapping the legal frameworks that shape the role of intermediaries in enhancing lawful consumption of protected culture and creative works online. Register
- SSHOC Webinar: Tools and Resources to Make EMM Survey Data FAIR — 18 May 1400 CEST — Learn about useful tools and resources that apply to the entire data lifecycle in order to make EMM Survey data FAIR. Register
- LIBER Webinar: Open Science Skilling & Training Programmes Across Europe — 19 May 1400 CEST — Gain ideas and inspiration on developing OS skilling initiatives in your organisation and discover some of the challenges when setting up OS skilling initiatives. Register
Network & Open Science News
- Choosing a Publisher for Your Books: Think.Check.Submit. has launched a new section of its website – a checklist for authors wishing to verify the reliability and trustworthiness of a book or monograph publisher. Read more
- Open Education and Covid-19: The Open Science Lab at TIB has fast tracked a series of book sprints and Open Education Resources (OER) technology research to help public health services with up-to-the minute training resources. As part of the series, the Open Access ‘Crisis Management’ book has been released together with a MOOC course built on top of the book’s content. Read more
- Open Science MOOC: A new edition of the Open Science MOOC – Sharing Your Research with the World, developed by TU Delft Library and the TU Delft Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management and with ICT-Innovation, is starting on 6 May. Read more
Upcoming Events
- 12th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML2020), Barcelona 26-30 May (virtual conference)
- Creating Knowledge, Tromsø 4-5 June
- International Library Staff Week 2020 – Libraries of Tomorrow, Odense, 15-19 June
- ICTeSSH 2020, Amsterdam 29 June – 1 July
- ECSA 2020, Trieste postponed to 6-8 September
- Digital Humanities in the Nordic countries (DHN 2020), Riga postponed to 20-23 October
- CONUL Conference 2020, Limerick postponed to 25-26 November
- Research Data Management Officer, University of Westminster, United Kingdom (CLosing date: 26 April)
- Data Steward (Bioscience) Engineering, Ghent University Library, Belgium (Closing date: 27 April)
Want to share your news in the next LIBER Alert? Email with a one sentence description and a link related to the news, event or job vacancy you’d like to share. LIBER Alerts are brought to you by Europe’s Largest Network of Research Libraries.