LIBER Argues For Strong Research Library Role in the EOSC

Posted: 27-01-2020 Topics: Strategy

Research libraries have an essential role to play in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): as channels for knowledge and data, as promotors of the new portal and as providers of training.

The critical role of libraries in the EOSC will be discussed in two meetings today between LIBER and European Commission officials.

The meetings with Kostas Glinos, Head of Unit, Open Science, DG Research and Innovation, and Andreas Veispak, Head of Unit, eInfrastructure and Science Cloud, DG CNECT, are being attended by LIBER’s President, Jeannette Frey, Vice-President Julien Roche and Executive Director Astrid Verheusen.

What Research Libraries Can Do For EOSC

Specifically, we see research libraries as key to:

  • Connecting the EOSC with core user communities;
  • Identifying training needs and provide training, based on their extensive experience with information, research, OS literacy training;
  • Developing the EOSC by:
    • Sharing expertise in the development and maintenance of OS services and infrastructure;
    • Providing requirements on 1) the inclusion of services, infrastructure and data 2) the EOSC discovery service 3) how to make services and data EOSC-compliant 4) EOSC data preservation.

On behalf of 450 research libraries across Europe, LIBER already ensures that research library expertise contributes to the EOSC. Through the EU-funded project SSHOC, for example, we are helping to build the social sciences and humanities part of the EOSC. We also:


What EOSC Can Do For Research Libraries & Their Institutions

For libraries, the EOSC offers an opportunity to make the research outputs of Europe’s research libraries and their users more visible, thereby increasing re-use. In addition, it should be noted that:

  • Research libraries manage critical infrastructure, tools, services and content for the research community. These should be included in the EOSC;
  • International research library representatives should be consulted as the EOSC develops, to ensure that research libraries play a full role in stimulating uptake of the EOSC.

LIBER sees many ways for research libraries to collaborate in and contribute to the EOSC. Through today’s meetings, we hope to strengthen our connection with the EOSC so that research library expertise continues to play a key role in building a thriving EOSC.

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