LIBER/COAR/OpenAIRE joint response to EC Research Data e-Infrastructures Framework

Posted: 28-03-2013 Topics: COAR Open Aire Research Data Management Strategy
LIBER, COAR and Open AIRE  strongly support the development of an open, interoperable e-infrastructure for scientific data through the engagement of the relevant actors, including libraries and repositories supporting researchers in their scientific endeavour. This framework for action is highly relevant, both for the success of data driven science and also the uptake and impact of open access policies and initiatives. It recognises the changing nature of research and the importance of engaging the whole stakeholder ecosystem in the development and integration of research data e-infrastructures.


The group has made some contributions to the framework:

·        A more horizontal approach within each of the action areas would be welcome. Involvement of all relevant stakeholders (for example, researchers, research institutions, universities, libraries, repositories, data centers, publishers etc.) is essential for the supporting of discoverability, navigation and (re)use of research data and literature.

·        More attention to research institutions and the long-tail of research is needed. The different identified action areas should give more importance to universities to establish skills and services. In addition the development of a clear workflow between research institutions and data centres should be supported.

·        Specific actions addressing research areas which are less far developed regarding digital techniques and data (humanities).

·        Storing, managing and preservation should also be a key concern for open access infrastructures, this shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. Any work on authentication and authorisation will need to take into account developments in digital identifiers.

·        Facilitation of online and blended learning (incl. MOOCs) which address both students and practitioners to educate in managing and sharing open data, should be included in the fiches.

LIBER, COAR, and OpenAIRE acknowledge that:

·        The framework is highly relevant and recognizes the changing nature of research support

·        The framework will provide opportunities for libraries and repositories to support open science in a structured way

·        It is essential that continuing professional development is supported through engagement with the broader stakeholder community in order to share and develop best practice.

You can read the full response here

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