LIBER Libraries: Take Our Digital Collections & Activities Survey
Calling all LIBER libraries with a digital collection: please share your story. Fill out our LIBER-wide survey on digital collections and the activities libraries undertake around them.
Is your library part of LIBER? Do you have a digital collection? Please tell us about it!
The survey, initiated by our Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group, aims to examine the state of digital humanities (or digital scholarship in STEM libraries) in Europe. The resulting picture of the DH landscape will be presented at LIBER 2019 (Dublin, 26-28 June).
The survey should take 20-30 minutes to complete, depending on how many questions are applicable to your library, and does not have to be filled out at once. The survey remembers where you left off if you wish to continue at a later stage. All LIBER librarians are invited to respond before 1 March 2019.
The outcomes of this survey will be anonymised and published through LIBER, and will form part of the PhD-project of Lotte Wilms (affiliated with Maastricht University). If you are interested in participating in later case studies in this PhD-research, please leave your e-mail address in the survey.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Lotte Wilms at
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