LIBER Response to the Amsterdam Call for Action
Amsterdam April 5th 2016 / Amsterdam 5 april 2016. Open Science World Cafe. Foto: Rijksoverheid/Valerie Kuypers – Photograph: Dutch Government/Valerie Kuypers
On 4 and 5 April 2016 the Dutch EU Presidency hosted a conference on Open Science in Amsterdam. On foot of the event the Amsterdam Call for Action was published. This document reflects on the potential of Open Science and outlines 12 areas where stakeholders can take action to accelerate the progress of Open Science.
LIBER recognises the importance of this document in outlining a pan-European and multi-actor approach to Open Science.
In our response to the Call for Action we have outlined ways in which research libraries can contribute to accelerating Open Science and have elaborated on some of the actions outlined in the document.
LIBER Response to the Amsterdam Call for Action
LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries, believes that the practice of Open Science will lead to increased transparency, better quality research, a higher level of citizen engagement, and will accelerate the pace of scientific discovery through the facilitation of data-driven innovation.
We have placed Open Science at the heart of our strategy over the coming years and aim to position libraries as enablers of Open Science, making it the default standard for research practice in Europe and beyond.
In setting clear targets for open access publications and the reuse of data and outlining areas for concerted policy intervention, the Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science offers a framework for EU member state cooperation in working towards enabling Open Science in Europe.
LIBER therefore welcomes the Call for Action as a positive step towards making Open Science the default. We are also pleased to note that research libraries have been recognised to be key actors in several of the action items.
As the Amsterdam Call for Action has been described as a ‘living document’, we would like to elaborate on actions that could be made more robust and to articulate further the practical role that libraries can play within this context:
- Changing evaluation is key to driving the cultural shift required to embed open science in research communities. As libraries have traditionally provided bibliometric data services to support assessment, it is important to include them in the development of new indicators of impact, in particular indicators that can benefit young researchers.
- Copyright is impeding the use of TDM and we fully support copyright reform to address this issue. It should, however, be made clear that reform to allow the use of TDM for societal purposes is not ‘preferable’, it is essential.
- Common e-infrastructure and the Open Science Cloud in particular play an important role in the future and should aim to include locally distributed infrastructure such as institutional repositories. Data flows from local infrastructure to European Open Science Cloud should be described and transparent to the researcher. We are pleased to observe that development of the human and social side of this infrastructure has been given equal emphasis.
- In relation to FAIR data, libraries play an integral role in achieving the aims delineated in the Call for Action. They are working to provide the local data management support services that make data sharing possible and are well positioned to support researchers in working towards making their data FAIR.
- Libraries should take a proactive role in stimulating new publishing models, not only providing funds for APCs or as institutional publishers but actively exploring and experimenting with new disruptive publishing models that will be made possible through the opening up of the research lifecycle.
- One of the more exciting opportunities that Open Science opens up is the engagement of new contributors, e.g. citizen science or SMEs. This engagement must be proactive and open. The library as a neutral space and traditional provider of access to knowledge is uniquely placed to engage these new users, raise awareness and provide local training and advice.
Finally, we urge EU member states to build on the momentum that has been built through the Call for Action and to work together to develop a clear vision and roadmap for Open Science.
The full text of the response is available here: Statement on the Amsterdam Call for Action
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