Are you working in a LIBER library? Would you like to help develop a library policy for federated authentication which protects user privacy and grants access from any location, while still offering libraries and publishers enough scope to control access as needed?
If so, please consider joining LIBER’s newest Working Group: FIM4L (Federated Identity Management for Libraries). This group has three main priorities.
- Priority #1 – To come to a consensus on library policy for federated authentication that protects users identities. This policy should help libraries and publishers and needs to be clear for account managers, license managers, etc. (those who make the deals), while also including enough technical information for IT staff.
- Priority #2 – To seek broad support for the policy amongst libraries and publishers.
- Priority #3 – To promote the use of uniform implementations of authentication procedures by service providers
The FIM4L Working Group will achieve its goals in a number of ways, including by documenting library requirements for Federated Identity Management (FIM), and by drafting guidelines, best practices and recommendations.
The group will also work to increase awareness of federated authentication and to advocate for its use.
For more information about the group and its goals, please see the FIM4L page. To join the group, email chair Jos Westerbeke.
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