We are delighted to announce that the European Commission has now officially launched Open Research Europe, the open access publishing platform for scientific articles that present the results of research funded by Horizon 2020, and soon Horizon Europe. The first articles submitted have already been published. As a proud partner in helping to develop this platform, we invite you to see for yourself how the research community has heartedly embraced this new publishing venue.
Open Research Europe champions open science principles by immediately publishing articles, followed by transparent, invited and open peer review with the inclusion of all supporting data and materials. The names of the reviewers are open, as well as their reviews, which are also citable. Article-level metrics will continuously track the scientific and social impact of publications. Ultimately, Open Research Europe will give everyone, researchers and citizens alike, free-of-charge access to your latest scientific discoveries.
All Horizon 2020 beneficiaries are eligible to publish research articles stemming from Horizon 2020 research on this platform. The platform accepts articles in all fields of science including the natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, agricultural and veterinary sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the arts. The platform showcases a variety of article types ranging from research articles to methods and essays. Open Research Europe is not a repository to deposit papers already published somewhere else: research submitted there must be original, not be submitted anywhere else for publication, and stem from a Horizon 2020 grant in which at least one of the authors is involved.
Publishing in Open Research Europe is an optional service. Because the European Commission covers all costs upfront, there is no author fee, which means also no administrative burden. Moreover, there is the guarantee of automatic compliance with the open access requirements of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. Lastly, Open Research Europe is also a solution to publish articles even after the Horizon 2020 grant has ended.
To learn more about Open Research Europe, please visit the platform, which contains helpful tips and guides, including how to prepare articles and data for submission. The article guidelines cover the specific guidelines for research in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Arts and the Humanities. You may also follow the Twitter account @OpenResearch_EU.