Open Consultation: Improving Access and Reuse of Research Results by Addressing Copyright and Data Legislative & Regulatory Issues – A LIBER Action Plan
LIBER is launching an Open Consultation to collect feedback on practical guidelines that help research libraries implement actions based on the findings of a European Commission study on EU copyright and data framework.
We encourage stakeholders in the LIBER network, including members and partners, to review the consultation document (LIBER Action Plan) and share their feedback. By contributing to the Consultation, you will help shape the final Action Plan to be disseminated with the wider LIBER network. The consultation is open from 3 February until 3 March 2025.
The European Commission study ‘Improving access to and reuse of research results, publications and data for scientific purposes’ is the first comprehensive analysis of how EU legislative frameworks impact research and interoperate with Open Science. Addressing the issues raised in this study will increase the impact of European research and advance Open Science. Whilst it is clear that policy intervention at the EU level is the preferred way forward, research libraries also have a role in supporting researchers to navigate access to and use of research information.
In the Action Plan, LIBER, supported by funding from Knowledge Rights 21, has translated the findings of the EC report into practical guidance for research libraries. The purpose of the LIBER Action Plan is to mobilise the network of LIBER research libraries across Europe to implement actions at the library level and to address proposals at the institutional and national levels.
On the Open Consultation
The draft Action Plan is the result of an expert meeting held in November 2024 with the co-chairs of the LIBER Copyright & Legal Working Group Susan Reilly (Irish Research e-Library, Ireland), Alex Fenlon (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom), and Judith Ludwig (Technische Informationsbibliothek, Germany), supported by Maurits van der Graaf (Pleiade Management & Consultancy, The Netherlands) and Olivier Hersperger (LIBER) and with contributions of Caterina Sganga (Sant’Anna, School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy), Martin Senftleben and Kacper Szkalej (Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Thomas Margoni and Kasper Drazewski (KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law, Belgium).
In addition, the section on data has been reviewed by the co-chairs of the Research Data Management Working Group of LIBER – Mari Elisa Kuusniemi (Helsinki University Library, Finland) and Elisa Rodenburg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands) – and Laurents Sesink (SURF, the Netherlands) and Marta Teperek (Open Science NL, The Netherlands).
Following the Consultation, the gathered feedback will be integrated into a final document and shared with the wider LIBER network.
Share your insights
To take part in the Consultation, please carefully review the document ‘Improving Access and Reuse of Research Results by Addressing Copyright and Data Legislative & Regulatory Issues – A LIBER Action Plan‘ and share your input via the link below.
Thank you for your time and valuable contributions.
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