The participants emphasised the importance of OA platforms and stated that the development of Open Science practices should get a high priority in the near future.
With regard to multiple roads to Open Access, it was remarked that the influence by individual libraries on transformative agreements was often limited because they were concluded by national consortia. University presses generally are going in the direction of Diamond Open Access; however, it is also remarked that they operate often separate from the library and not all of them do have an OA mindset.
Research assessment is according to some participants primarily an issue for the academics themselves upon which libraries have a very limited influence.
Open Educational Resources was seen as part of shaping Open Science and deserving more attention by research libraries.
Finally, one participant sighed: ‘What can you do with a limited budget?’
- Developing, facilitating, and managing collaborative OA platforms for research data.
- Facilitating multiple roads to Open Access [Transformative agreements, Diamond OA platforms, innovative business models such as Subscribe to Open, etc.).
- Supporting innovative Open Science practices such as innovative publishing, open peer review and annotations.
- Helping academia adopt and implement responsible frameworks for research assessment.