Knowledge Rights 21 Project

Requests for Proposals — Informing Copyright Reform Advocacy (Knowledge Rights 21)

Posted: 15-02-2022 Topics: Copyright Copyright Reform

The Knowledge Rights 21 project (KR21) is excited to announce a request for proposals (RFP). The RFPs will result in building a knowledge base on several areas relevant to copyright legislation.

KR21 is working on making copyright reform happen. The project seeks to build a stronger basis of evidence and skills, both for advocacy around copyright-related issues, and a reference for libraries in their own decision-making on the topic.

Key areas of focus include the situation facing public and academic libraries when acquiring and lending eBooks, controlled digital lending, and the case for considering flexible exceptions as a potential tool in European copyright law. Another goal is to provide tailored training on copyright and advocacy by libraries and library friends.

The resulting research and materials will be openly published, enabling librarians and like-minded groups to advocate more effectively and sustainably for copyright reform.

Find out more about the Knowledge Rights 21 calls on the following 5 topics:

  • Understanding the basis for Controlled Digital Lending in Europe (download)
  • Copyright and Advocacy Training (download)
  • Evaluating the State of Academic and Other Educational EBook Markets in Europe (download)
  • Evaluating the impact of introducing Open Norms around the world (download)
  • Evaluating the State of Trade EBooks Markets in Europe (download)

Are you specialised in doing research and training in these fields, and interested in working with KR21? Download the RFP relevant to your expertise and contact the project ( if you have questions. The deadline for all submissions is 17 March 2022.

The Knowledge Rights 21 Programme has been made possible thanks to the generosity of Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.



[Photo by Lysander Yuen on Unsplash]