Survey on Open Access diamond journals: 2000 contributions already. Do we have yours?

Posted: 07-09-2020 Topics: Open Access

In July, OPERAS and a consortium of partners launched a survey to conduct a study commissioned by cOAlition S on open access journals and platforms that are free of charge for readers and authors (also known as the “diamond journals”). 

So far, OPREAS reports that almost 2000 journals have participated in the survey. However,  the survey will remain open for a little longer to ensure as much diversity as possible:

Read the full article here, or fill out the survey. Choose your language here below.

The survey is available in 6 languages and will be open until the 11th of September:

In English:

In French:

In German:

In Italian:

In Portuguese:

In Spanish:

Thank you for contributing in helping us better undertand the OA landscape.