The following is an update from the Metrics Working Group chairs, Isabella Peters and Sarah Coombs.
LIBER’s Metrics Working Group, launched in 2016, is now in full swing and has recently had its first article accepted for publication by Digital Library Perspectives.
The article is a critical discussion of the Leiden Manifesto for libraries already engaged in bibliometric practices. It offers practical recommendations based on our experiences. This work is in the beginning phase and summarizes literature on the topic as well as the experiences of the members of the Working Group. The discussion reflects today’s growing popularity of (quantitative) research assessment which is seen in enthusiasts introducing new metrics (i.e. altmetrics) and by critics demanding responsible metrics that increase objectivity and equity in evaluations.
We have been working to expand these recommendations to include what we see as missing recommendations in the Leiden Manifesto for research assessment/evaluation, and we are actively looking at recommendations for discovery, showcasing achievements, and service development. All this will be presented during our workshop at LIBER’s Annual Conference in July (see the conference website).
The workshop will also include several user stories, and provide opportunity for others to share their stories and recommendations. Feedback from the workshop will be used in the final recommendations that the Working Group will present to LIBER’s Executive Board after the conference. The final deliverable will be distributed to LIBER members and published online (OA) to spark further discussion and provide guidelines.
Hope to see you all there!