Webinar Video: Use Cases for Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI)
Within an Open Science framework, implementing Responsible Research practices requires knowledge and skills. LIBER’s Digital skills for Library staff and researchers Working Group and FIT4RRI are presenting this webinar to help foster skills development in Academia throughout Europe.
The webinar presents trends in Open Science skilling in Europe with a focus on Research integrity, and specifically on Responsible Research implementation.
Use cases of different training approaches — including Universidad di Minho in Portugal as a FIT4RRI partner and the Open University of Cataluña in Spain for considering RRI training as part of a strategic approach to fostering Open Science and Open Knowledge with researchers, research management and library staff — are presented.
Participants will discover opportunities to get started with implementing responsible research practices and to develop training programmes within their institutions.
- Sofie Wennström, Analyst at Stockholm University Library (Sweden) and Chair of LIBER’s Open Access Working Group;
- Helene Brinken, Project Officer, Georg-August-University Göttingen State and University Library
- Cécile Swiatek, Chair of LIBER’s Digital Skills For Library Staff & Researchers Working Group
- Nadja Gmelch, Director Open Knowledge Projects / Globalisation and Cooperation, Open University of Catalonia
- Pedro Principe, Head of Division, University of Minho Documentation and Libraries Services & Open Science Projects Manager
The webinar was recorded and can be viewed on YouTube. The slides are available on Zenodo.