Welcome to the November 2015 Mailing
This mailing is emailed directly to LIBER Libraries and posted publicly on the LIBER website. Please feel free to share this Mailing with others.
Documents in this Mailing relate to LIBER’s work over the past three months. You can download the documents individually from the list below or packaged together in a single ZIP file
Helsinki 2016 Annual Conference
- Outline of LIBER’s Annual Conference Programme
- Call for Conference Papers and Posters
- LIBER Annual Conference Fund 2016
- Feedback from the 2015 Annual Conference
LIBER Strategy 2013-2017 and Projects
- Strategic Directions
- LIBER Statement on the European Open Cloud
- EU Projects
- LIBER Advocacy and Lobbying Strategy
- LIBER Steering Committees, November 2015
Call For Nominations: Executive Board
LIBER Honorary Status
LIBER Rules and Regulations and Review of Eligible CEE Countries
- LIBER Rules and Regulations (latest, July 2015)
- Review of List of Eligible CEE Countries for Discounted Annual Contribution Fee
If you have any queries about the content of this Mailing, or if there is any further information that we can provide, please let us know.
Yours sincerely
Ann Matheson
November 2015
Further News From LIBER
The PASTEUR4OA Conference ‘Green Light for Open Access: Aligning Europe’s OA Policies’ takes place on 17-18 May 2016 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The conference invites policy makers and experts from across Europe to explore the Open Access landscape. Contact Communications Officer, Friedel Grant, for more information. Read more…
LIBER is seeking members of its community to contribute to the EC funded AARC project, which aims to develop an integrated cross-discipline authentication and authorization framework built on existing and on production federated infrastructures. Contact EU Project Officer, Gema Buena de la Fuenta, for more information. Read more…
Have you signed The Hague Declaration yet? Join over 220 organisations and 490 individuals seeking to improve knowledge creation in the Digital Age by removing barriers to the wealth of data produced by society. Contact Advocacy Officer, Helen Frew, for more information. Read more…
About This Mailing
LIBER issues official Mailings four times a year: in March, May, August and November. These Mailings are a way of distributing official documents, updating on the activities of LIBER’s Executive Board and Steering Committees and of highlighting important news from LIBER. Each update is made publicly available on the LIBER website.
We welcome your suggestions for improving this Mailing. Please email the LIBER Office with your thoughts.