Open Science & Research Libraries Workshop: Let’s Build The Skills!

Posted: 21-06-2018 Topics: Open Science

The FOSTER Plus Project and the Digital Skills for Library Staff & Researchers Working Group are co-organising the pre-conference Workshop “Open Science and Research Libraries: Let’s build the skills” on July 4th (09:00 – 12:00), before the 47th LIBER Conference Opening Ceremony.

Open science is gaining momentum and research librarians are starting to invent new digital models, to implement new techniques and to spread a more open culture.

But what digital skills do librarians still need to develop? How can we do this? And how can we use the FOSTER Plus materials and initiatives to train, advocate and practice open science?

This active and collaborative workshop aims at providing the participants with tools and inviting them to think along on how to include Open Science digital skills in training programmes for librarians and researchers.


During the workshop participants will have the opportunity to

  • learn more about the FOSTER Plus courses and the Open Science Training Handbook
  • to move from the collaborative reflection to the creation of an action plan
  • to contribute to and attend the showcase of examples and good practices from various countries in Europe.


Follow us on Twitter: @fosterscience , @LIBERconference@LIBEReurope 





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