Digital Scholarship Now! (Organisers: Digital Scholarship and Digital Collections Working Group)
In this engaging workshop, the Digital Scholarship and Digital Cultural Heritage Collections Working Group (DS&DCHC) seeks to inform and inspire LIBER Members with a carefully curated collection of lightning talks showcasing some of the most innovative responses and/or provocations to the most pressing questions currently affecting the digital scholarship community today.
Lighting Talk Session Theme 1: Building Relationships
Lightning talks in this session will respond to questions ranging from how libraries raised awareness about their work and collections during the pandemic, to what innovative ways libraries have kept in touch with their research community in the virtual space.
Lighting Talk Session Theme 2: Digital Competencies / Providing expertise
In this session, we will hear from RLUK’s Digital Shift and the DCC initiative in the Netherlands as they showcase how they are helping libraries to gain the digital competencies required to support digital scholarship.
Lighting Talk Session Theme 3: Responsible use of digital collections
How are institutions addressing unwanted bias in digital collections? What are the ethical implications of using AI in the cultural heritage sector? This session will bring together talks relating to the ethical use of collections and FAIR in the digital age.
Lightning talks that articulate current best practices, case studies, and even provocations relating to the three central themes the working group are investigating this year, will be specially selected, with particular emphasis on presentations that give voice to our underrepresented communities’ work.
Each themed lightning talk session will be allocated roughly 20 minutes and consist of three to four5-7 minute talks. The lightning talk sessions will serve as the foundation for further knowledge exchange between attendees and presenters during a final small group breakout discussion session. Findings from these discussion groups will be captured and used to further inform the working group’s investigations.