2007 Annual Conference: European Integration - Conditions and Challenges for Libraries

2007 Annual Conference: European Integration – Conditions and Challenges for Libraries

Posted: 29-10-2007 Topics: Annual Conference

The Warsaw University Library, where the pre-conference was held, is one of three biggest academic and research libraries in Poland. It is situated in the city’s centre (Śródmiescie), near the Vistula River (Dobra 56/66),at the bottom of the University hill,.
within 10 minutes walking distance from the main University campus.

The National Library’s collections constitute the intellectual achievements of the Polish people, from the past to the present. The Library is situated also in the city’s centre (al. Niepodleglosci 213), close to the Warsaw School of Economics and a big park “Pole Mokotowskie”, the latter serving as a popular summer spot for Warsaw residents, as well as a venue for public events such as the annual Earth Festival.

The post-conference tour to Cracow included sightseeing and a visit to the Jagiellonian Library – the oldest university library in Poland, established together with the Jagiellonian University in 14th century.

The scope of the 2007 LIBER Conference was as broad as ever and provided an opportunity for library managers to convene and discuss current topics, decided by the four Divisions.

