Focus on Open Science: Vienna
Want to know more about managing the cultural shift towards Open Science? Come to Vienna for a one-day workshop on 16 November 2018, organised by Scientific Knowledge Services in cooperation with the library at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) and LIBER.
LIBER will be speaking at the event.
The Challenge of Open Science
Science describes the current transition in how research is undertaken, how the outputs are stored and disseminated, how researchers collaborate, how success is measured and how researchers are rewarded for Open approaches. Open Science has the potential to transform the research landscape. What is the role of academic libraries in supporting this transition? Is there indeed a role for libraries at all? What are the current views and agendas in various European countries? How do we differentiate regionally and nationally?
The Aim of the Focus on Open Science Events
We aim through these workshops to address the challenges posed by Open Science, using the eight pillars of Open Science identified by the European Commission in its Open Science Policy Platform.
The mission statement for the workshops is: Promote the concept of, values and best practices in the Open Science to European communities, with particular reference to libraries.
Why Are These Workshops Important?
We believe that such Workshops offer a practitioner experience, grounded in the principles of Open Science, and opportunities for networking at the local level. The Workshop format offers both on-the-spot interactions and follow-up opportunities. The following topics will be addressed:
- Open Science and the Management of A Cultural Change
- The drivers of change: FAIR Data and Open Access
Confirmed Speakers
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Fröhlich, TU Wien, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation (tbc)
- Beate Guba, TU Wien, Director of TU Wien Library
- Dr. Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice- Provost (UCL Library Services), Chief Executive, UCL Press, co-Chair of the LERU INFO Community (League of European Research Universities), Adviser to the LIBER Board;
- Jeannette Frey, President of LIBER Europe
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Rauber, TU Wien, Head of the Information and Software Engineering Group and member/co-chair Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe/Austria
- Vanessa Proudman, Executive Director SPARC Europe
- Dr. ir. Shalini Kurapati, TU Delft, Data Steward at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
- Barbara Sanchez-Solis, TU Wien, Head of Centre for Research Data Management
- Prof. Dr. Günter Emberger, TU Wien
To register, please visit the official event page.