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Kuopio 5: Leading Collection Management Conference

The National Repository Library of Finland will host the international collection management conference — “Aligning commercial and public document repositories to facilitate free and sustainable information” — as its 25th Anniversary event.

It will be held in Kuopio, Finland on 21-22 May 2015.

This conference will offer a fertile field in which new ideas can be sown to achieve the aims of IFLA’s Lyon Declaration. The form of the future environment will be moulded comprising all three creations of content, print, digital and OA. There will be Keynote speakers who understand the environment and are keen predictors of the future as well as extensive opportunities for younger members of the profession to speak on and debate the future of this profession which they are inheriting. Thus the theme of the conference: What is the role of Information through our print repositories?

Invited speakers include many internationally known specialists:

  • Steve O’Connor, Director, Information Exponentials
  • Deborah Jakubs, University Librarian, Duke University; President, Association of Research Libraries
  • Constance Malpas, Research Scientist, OCLC
  • Caroline Brazier, Director of Scholarship and Collections, British Library
  • Bernie Reilly, President, Center for Research Libraries
  • Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, President, LIBER

These are just a few of the many speakers who will be present at this, the fifth conference in this series. Previous events have provided stimulation to a generation of Collection Managers dealing with these complex issues. See the Conference website for more information.



21 - 22 May 2015


1:00 pm - 6:00 pm