LIBER Citizen Science Working Group Workshop – ‘Citizen Science: Framing the Roles of Libraries’
Research libraries are actively engaging in Citizen Science across Europe. The roles seem vastly different depending on the profile of hosting universities, research traditions, and the institutions’ perspective on local and global challenges. However, LIBER Citizen Science Working Group has identified a number of common denominators across these roles with an aim to operationalize them.
In this webinar, members of the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group would like to present the Broad Engagement in Science Point of Contact (BESPOK) model and Research Librarians’ Guide to Citizen Science, as well as take the opportunity to engage in a dialogue with colleagues on these two deliverables. While the Working Group is on the verge of publishing the first wave results to make them operable, your opinion and expertise matter to ensure nothing is missed in the complex field of Citizen Science.
Target audience: anyone interested in Citizen Science
• Dr. Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost, University College London (UCL) Library Services, Chair of LIBER Citizen Science Working Group
• Dirk van Gorp, Open Science Manager, Radboud University Library, Member of LIBER Citizen Science Working Group
• Simon Worthington, Researcher, Open Science Lab, German National Library of Science and Technology, Member of LIBER Citizen Science Working Group