OCLC-LIBER “Building for the future” – FACILITATED DISCUSSION 2: Data-driven Decision Making
Join LIBER and OCLC for the first discussion session of the ‘Building for the future’ event series, following the success of the Opening Plenary (12 October). This multi-year engagement series, based on LIBER’s 2023-2027 strategy, will present a vision for the future of research libraries. LIBER and OCLC will host a series of discussions to collectively examine, explore, and ideate around the impacts of modern-day disruptions in the research library field.
Facilitated Discussion 2: Data-driven Decision Making
Today we are awash in data. This session will focus on collaborative data-analytics informing library collection management, contract management and negotiations with publishers, research information management and data-driven decision making in other areas.
This session will take place virtually (duration: 90 minutes). Seating for this session is limited.
Who can attend?
LIBER members and OCLC Research Library Partnership affiliates will receive priority registration for this event.
Learn more and register
The discussion will take place virtually (duration: 90 minutes). Due to the interactive nature of this session, places are limited.
Learn more about the entire discussion series on the event web page.