ReCreating Europe Workshop – The State of Exceptions & Limitations: Copyright Flexibilities in the EU & Member States
Set in the context of the approaching implementation of the DSM Directive, this 2.5 hour workshop will focus on copyright exceptions & limitations in Europe. The vast complexity of the boundaries of copyright protection will be tackled by a stellar line-up of scholars and national experts, who will discuss current issues and future perspectives. The speakers will present preliminary results stemming from the work carried out within the reCreating Europe project.
This workshop will commence with an introductory keynote speech, followed by three parallel sessions:
• Parody and Quotation;
• Teaching and the Use of Scientific Research; and
• Statutory Licensing Schemes.
It will conclude with a roundtable focused on the Future of European Copyright Flexibilities.
This event is organised within the framework of the ReCreating Europe project. This project has been funded with the support of the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union under the contract No 870626