Round Table of Experts on Data Citation
This round table aims to validate the work done in the SSHOC project and help us refine the specifications of the FAIR SSH citation prototype, as well as inform our Data Citation Recommendations.
One of SSHOC’s tasks is dedicated to data citation and in particular making data citation machine-actionable. This follows the discussions that began during a joint event, “Realising the European Open Science Cloud,” between SSHOC, FREYA, and EOSC-hub in November. This session was organized on data citation, where different approaches and experiences related to data citation were discussed by speakers from SSHOC and beyond. After doing an inventory of SSH citation practices, we are currently developing a prototype to implement what we called “FAIR SSH Data Citation” and based on that work we drafted a first set of recommendations about data citation adapted to specific needs of SSH. For these discussions, we are inviting experts from known organizations like RDA.
- 14.00-14.15: Welcome, Introduction, Presentation of panellists (Nicolas Larrousse)
- 14.15-14.30: Presentation of work undertaken in the WP3.4 task (Nicolas Larrouse)
- 14.30-15.00: Debate with the panellists, with a special focus on the Recommendations for Data Citation
- 15.00-15.15: Break
- 15.15-15.30: Presentation of the prototype, Cesare Concordia, 15 minutes
- 15.30-16.00: Discussion with experts about recommendations and the prototype 45 minutes
- 16.00: Wrap up
Panel of speakers:
Alessia Bardi (OpenAire)
Andreas Rauber (Vienna – RDA data citation WG)
Barbara Mcgillivray (Turing Institute)
Carlo-Maria Zwolf (Observatory of Paris – PSL Research University)
Cesare Concordia (CNR/ISTI)
Daan Broeder (CLARIN – SSHOC WP3 leader)
Dieter Van Uytvanck (CLARIN)
Jan Brase (UGOE)
Nicolas Larrousse (Huma-Num CNRS)
Simon Hodson (CODATA) – Executive Director of CODATA
You can register directly here.