The role of libraries in the valorisation and dissemination of Citizen Science results – LIBER and SciStarter Webinar
The LIBER Citizen Science Working Group and SciStarter are organising a three-part joint webinar series that will introduce attendees to Citizen Science. The webinars will provide tips and best practices for getting started and sustaining activities on campus (and virtually), and showcase resources that can be integrated into Citizen Science efforts. The third webinar of the series will take place (online) on the 27th November, from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm (CET).
This webinar will address the role of libraries in the valorisation and dissemination of Citizen Science results. Our speakers will highlight how participating in a Citizen Science project can benefit libraries in several ways. Citizen Science is an effective way to bring knowledge closer to society, and is therefore closely aligned to the mission of libraries. As libraries are profoundly embedded in society, they are particularly well-placed to engage with local communities. This theme aligns with LIBER’s 2023-2027 Strategy which aims to see libraries recognised as Engaged and Trusted Hubs of the community.
The webinar will elaborate on the ways that libraries can get involved in Citizen Science projects:
- By making publications and data findable and accessible.
- By contributing to the reliability of Citizen Science data.
- By offering their expertise in using metadata, typologies and controlled vocabularies to enhance the discoverability of Citizen Science results.
- By facilitating the involvement of volunteers.
One size doesn’t fit all in Citizen Science projects; this webinar will highlight the multiple roles that the library can play in the dissemination and valorisation of Citizen Science results.
Over 1.5 hours, three presentations from speakers across Europe and America will offer their experiences of library involvement in Citizen Science projects. There will be an opportunity for discussion with participants.
- Dolores Mumelaš, National and University Library in Zagreb (Croatia)
- Caren Cooper, North Carolina State University (USA)
- Mathilde Garnier, University of Bordeaux (France)
Moderators: Darlene Cavalier (SciStarter, Arizona State University) and Sara Decoster (LIBER Citizen Science Working Group, KU Leuven)
1) Identify ways libraries catalyse and support lifelong learning while helping professional scientists advance research, through Citizen Science.
2) Find key strategies for introducing and scaling Citizen Science in libraries.
3) Find resources for your library.
4) Learn from each other!
Anyone interested in Open and Citizen Science, and the involvement of libraries therein, is invited to attend. The webinar will be held on Zoom.