Research Data and Curation Manager

Posted: 05-03-2018

Summary: The library’s approach to Research Data Management is based around three interdependent stages: “Plan”, “Create” and “Preserve”, with the Library Service having lead responsibility for the long-term preservation of research data, which will be the focus of this role.

Main Responsibilities:

This strategically important post will have 5 core responsibilities:

  • To provide advice and support on research data management, particularly in relation to long term preservation, but also to be able to cover data management planning and the creation of research data.
  • To take the lead, on behalf of the Library Service, on working with staff in Research and Enterprise, IT and academics, to ensure the effective long-term preservation of research data, and to ensure the effective integration of the requirements for long-term preservation into the Plan and Create stages.
  • To act as an expert source to deliver data, information and advice on the changing nature of scholarly communications, with particular reference to funder policies and requirements relating to research data and Open Research.
  • To liaise with all stakeholders, both internal and external, to develop and support the necessary capability and capacity to achieve the long term preservation of research data, as detailed in the College’s Research Data Management strategy.
  • To work with Research and Enterprise and IT to deliver a framework so academic Principal Investigators can develop effective Data Management Plans (DMPs) for research grant applications, and to provide support for particularly complicated DMPs.


  • Advocacy, Training and Support
  • Management and Support of Research Data and related metadata in the College Data Archive and the Research Information System (RIS
  • Long Term Digital Preservation
  • Data Management Plans

 Position in the Library: Reporting to Associate Director (eStrategy and Technical Services)

This model job description is part of LIBER’s Job Description Marketplace. It is not an open position but rather a sample template to help hiring managers.