Data librarian, expert on research data management, description, archiving and dissemination

Posted: 14-05-2018


The data librarian works under the hierarchical responsibility of the head of the Digital library service and under the functional responsibility of the librarian in charge of services on research data management. He/she has to develop a technical expertise on practical solutions of data management, archiving and dissemination and on data mining and visualization. He/she helps the librarian in charge of services on research data management in designing services to researchers and research units on data management. He/she uses his/her technical expertise to train and/or support researchers with their data from defining their needs to proposing practical solutions. He/she takes part to the institutional repository project on the link between publications and datasets.

Main Responsibilities:

This strategically important post will have 5 core responsibilities:

  1. Contribution to the development of services on research data management
  2. Training phd students and researchers to research data management, description, archiving and dissemination
  3. Advising researchers on practical solutions to manage, archive and disseminate their research data in a relevant way (finding a repository, setting up local or national partnerships)
  4. Supporting researchers on legal matters when dealing with research data, especially personal data
  5. Taking part to the development of services to researchers on archiving and dissemination of research outputs

Skills & Qualifications:

  • Good knowledge of research environment
  • Knowledge of the French institutional landscape of actors proposing services to researchers on research data management
  • Expertise on research data management (description, archiving, dissemination)
  • Skills on database production
  • Skills in copyright, legal and ethical matters related to research data

Reporting To: Head of the Digital library service

University Hosting the Position: University of Lille, France

This model job description is part of LIBER’s Job Description Marketplace. It is not an open position but rather a sample template to help hiring managers.