Anna Lundén

Head of Division, National Coordination of Libraries, National Library of Sweden

Anna Lundén works at the National Library of Sweden, heading the Division for National Coordination of Libraries. This division handles the national library consortia for universities and research institutes, Bibsam, which is negotiating e-resources with all major publishers. In parallel the development of is managed within this division.

She is also the Swedish representative in the EUA (European University Association) high-level group on Big Deals, participates in the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) and takes part in the INTACT/ESAC initiative aiming at establishing transparent and efficient procedures to manage article processing charges.

Before working at the National Library, Anna gained a great deal of experience from the commercial side of the business, having been the Nordic sales manager for one of the largest database vendor and subscription agents.

The LIBER program committee is a great network of knowledgeable colleagues from all around Europe. The content of the conference is of high quality and it feels good to be able to contribute.