Arja Firet

Special Collections and Digital Humanities Librarian, Utrecht University Library

Arja Firet is a Special Collections and Digital Humanities Librarian at the Utrecht University Library, where she coordinates the library’s DH Support for researchers, teachers, and students.

She is interested in the changing role of research libraries within academic research and higher education, especially where tooling, the digitisation of text and image, and Linked Data come into play.

Formerly lecturer in French literature and culture, and subject librarian for Romance literature, Literary Studies and Gender Studies, Arja specialised over the last decade in Digital Humanities. She has worked on library-led Digital Humanities projects, as well as providing training and advice for academic staff involved in Digital Scholarship.

Apart from being a core member of LIBER’s Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group, she is chair of the Digital Scholarship & Skills working group  of the Cooperating Dutch University Libraries and National Library, and working closely with the UU Centre for Digital Humanities.  

Arja holds a Master in both French literature and culture as Cultural Studies, and is currently completing a PhD in nineteenth century French literature.