David Tréfás

Head of Modern Collections, Basel University Library, Switzerland

David Tréfás serves as the Head of Modern Collections at the Basel University Library in Switzerland.

He earned his Ph.D. in modern history in 2006. After a few years of co-leading a European research project about European identity and the public sphere, he started working at Basel University Library as a subject librarian for history, and later as the manager of the subject library team. Over the years he has developed his teams to face the challenges of digitisation, such as integrating digital humanities services, as well as conducted organizational changes to respond to changes on the publication market.

David participated in the LIBER leadership program’s sixth cohort (2022–2023). His current interest lies in how to transform leadership to face the challenges of a more politicized society, to develop leadership education, change management, strategic planning, and how to deal with difficult collections.