Frank Egerton

Operations Manager, Sackler, Taylor Institution and Oriental Institute Libraries

Frank has a number of roles at the University of Oxford: Operations Manager at the Sackler, Taylor Institution and Oriental Institute Libraries; Librarian at the Bodleian Latin American Centre Library; Subject Consultant for Latin American History and Social Sciences.

He also teaches Creative Writing on the MSt, Undergraduate Diploma and Certificate of Higher Education Programmes, and is a member of common room at Kellogg College.

Within LIBER, he is part of two Working Groups: for Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage and for Digital Skills for Library Staff & Researchers.

As an Operations Manager at a European Languages library, a DH enthusiast and a member of the Bodleian Library’s ‘Skills for the Digital Shift, Researching the Future of Libraries’ project group, I am interested in what library colleagues throughout Europe are doing, learning from them and sharing ideas.