Karine Bacher-Eyroi

Head of Services and Users Support Department, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour

Karine Bacher-Eyroi is Head of Services and Users Support Department, and in charge of European Projects in Academic Libraries at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) since September 2020. Before she was Head of Research Support Department at Toulouse Capitole University Libraries since its creation in 2015, in charge of managing, developing and promoting support to research activities and events, scientific publishing and open access, information literacy training for Master and PhD students and Researchers. She serves on LIBER’s Conference Programme Committee.

She previously was Head of IT and Digital Library Services (2008-2012) and Manager of Toulouse Capitole University Learning Centre Project (2012-2014). She was also project manager for the implementation of Toulouse Capitole University Open Archive and she participated in the network of European Research Libraries in Economics and Social Science (Nereus). Earlier in her career, she worked in Versailles Public Library in charge of web services and cultural heritage digitization projects, and also in Academic Libraries at the University of Tours and at the University of Science and Medicine of Toulouse.

She has been involved for several years in librarians’ professional training, as well as in international activities, especially in the fields of digital services, innovation in Libraries, open archives and open access, support to Research activities. In October 2016 she organized the first “Erasmus Library Staff Week on support and training for researchers, training staff, Master and PhD students” at Toulouse Capitole University. With her team at Toulouse Capitole University, she works closely with researchers and teaching staff and she experiments “made-to-measure” and customized assistance to them. At the UPPA, she is in charge of managing the libraries’ activities in the fields of services to users, support to researchers, information literacy training, communication and cultural events, on the five campuses of the university. She is also the coordinator of International Relations and European projects leader for the UPPA Libraries.

Her main professional fields of interest are to support research and academic teaching, skills development and professional training for librarians, management of change and innovation in Libraries, international cooperation, and networking.