Kirsty Lingstadt is Head of Digital Library at the University of Edinburgh. She plays a key role in delivering digital services within the library, with a key focus on Discovery of Collections online. This includes digitization of collections, digital preservation and also providing tools and services for digital scholarship.
Kirsty holds an MA in Scottish History from University of Edinburgh and an MA in Museum Studies from University of Leicester. Her interest in collections and making collections accessible to different audiences has led her to her current position: combining her enthusiasm for new technologies with a desire to share collections with others.
She has worked for a number of cultural heritage institutions ranging from museums to archives and historic environment collections where she has explored the use of technology to make content accessible but also ensure that collections and in particular born-digital collections are accessible for future generations.
I’m involved in LIBER’s Digital Humanities working group because I think it is important for libraries to be involved in this area – not just identifying what tools and services we need to offer for the future but also to look at how this will shape our future work. Being part of the working group builds networks and sharing of best practices, and allows me to think about my own practice in light of what others are doing.