Dr Mia Ridge is the British Library’s Digital Curator for Western Heritage Collections. As part of the Library’s Digital Scholarship team, she helps enable innovative research based on the British Library’s digital/digitised collections, offering support, training and guidance on applying computational research methods to historical collections.
She is Principal Investigator for the Arts and Humanities Research Council ‘Collective Wisdom’ project, which will capture the state of the art in crowdsourcing and digital participation in cultural heritage. A Co-Investigator on Living with Machines, an AHRC and UKRI-funded project integrating data science, historical research and digitised collections, she leads the project’s ‘Communities’ Lab, integrating crowdsourcing and public engagement with AI to support academic research.
Her research on aspects of human-computer interaction and digital cultural heritage, particularly on crowdsourcing in cultural heritage, has an international reputation. Her work is informed by her PhD, ‘Making digital history: The impact of digitality on public participation and scholarly practices in historical research’. Her edited volume, ‘Crowdsourcing our Cultural Heritage’ (Ashgate) was published in October 2014. Mia has post-graduate qualifications in software engineering/computer science and an MSc in Human-Centred Systems. Mia is excited about working on data science in libraries with LIBER.