Michelle Breen is the Head of the Learning & Engagement Department at the library at the University of Limerick.
The University of Limerick has over 18,000 students and in addition to the outreach and instruction side of her role, Michelle also oversees collection development as it relates to student learning. The University of Limerick provides students with access to electronic resources via the Irish national purchasing consortium IREL and through local subscriptions, and Michelle’s department manages the library’s Reading Lists service, wherein she has experienced the many challenges associated with restricted licencing, high pricing and sometimes dearth of educational material from traditional publishers. Michelle has a keen interest in the provision of OERs, and in helping the sector to overcome the pressing issues relating to the availability of open textbooks in higher education. Michelle developed this Open Resources LibGuide as an introductory resource to help academics understand the principles of Open Access. Michelle has delivered online sessions about Creative Commons, using this tutorial she developed as means of engaging the learners in the principles of CC and has also instructed students and researchers in the use of copyright free images as part of her work in recent years.