Paolo’s long-term involvement in digital asset management and the provision of aligned services in the scientific community have provided him with a thorough knowledge of technical systems and the requirements of the academic world. In 1991, he headed the realization of the first Current Research Information System (CRIS/ DonKey) of the University of Vienna (1991-1998). From 2006 to 2016, he led as Managing Director the development of the digital archiving system for RDM of the University of Vienna, which also serves as Institutional Repository of the University (Phaidra, 2007-2016). Today Phaidra is used in 5 European countries and is running at 16 institutions (among them the Austrian National Funding Agency FWF).
“Few libraries can claim to have a department or unit for RDM and Repository Development with international outreach. I established and led one of them.”
Thanks to his engagement, the University of Vienna has participated in the projects like Europeana and OpenAIRE/OpenAIREplus and “TEMPUS in the Western Balkan Region”. In the LEARN project, he focused on stakeholder engagement, RDM-policy development and alignment, impact and advocacy. He also offers his experience in the use of foreign languages in multi-national settings, his ability to plan and organise work programs and his good understanding of linkages between policies and cooperative practices.
Austrian national projects (led or acquired): e-Infrastructures Austria, Open Education Austria.
Paolo also represents the University of Vienna at COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories).
As a general remark, I regard LIBER as a very important and also influential initiative to link academic libraries to all strategic initiatives, like the EOSC or projects like LEARN. LIBER bridges gaps, and does it efficiently.