Peter is a member of LIBER’s FIM4L Working Group. With a background in Indology and Digital Humanities, Peter evolved as expert in directory technologies and Federated Identity Management: the major subject spaces of his company, he co-founded in 2000, which is also very active in research projects on research infrastructures and AAI.
Peter had also appointments at three German universities, where he worked on directories, on establishing a Research Environment for a humanities cluster of excellence and on leading a technical work package in a BMBF funded research project. He was also involved in BMBF funded Grid projects and EU funded Project AARC.
DAASI International is a promoter of open source, open standards and sata privacy and has a number of research libraries as customer. It thus wants to promote the usage of Federated Identity Management in libraries, while preserving privacy as much as possible. With such interests, Peter co-founded the FIM4L activity and wants to act in the respective LIBER Working Group.