Sara Decoster works as an Open Science staff member at KU Leuven Libraries (Belgium). She studied Romance Languages and Library Science in Leuven and Liège and obtained a PhD in Languages and Letters from Liège University, where she worked as a library manager and research librarian for eleven years.
Her job as an Open Science staff member includes a lot of policy advice, also about legal developments. She combines a global understanding of Open Science with a deep knowledge of particular areas, including Open Access and Research Data Management. With the KU Leuven Open Science task force, she works on the further implementation of Citizen Science within the university. As she is always eager to find new ways to support cultural change, she is firmly convinced that true enablers towards more openness shall be embedded in research practices.
Sara enjoys collaborative and international projects and is strongly committed to everything she undertakes. She is convinced that active engagement with society will be essential for opening up research, and that libraries have a key role to play, given their proven capacity to build bridges. She is therefore very happy to contribute to the LIBER Citizen Science working group.