The LIBER website is a place to share experiences.
We welcome guest posts that highlight innovative work being done in research libraries, as well as fresh insights and techniques of interest to the library community. Your post will be shared with our community of readers and social media followers.
If you have a story to share, please get in touch.
Examples of topics we find interesting include (but are not limited to):
- Data in all its forms: Linked Open Data, Open Research Data, Text and Data Mining. How is your library dealing with data and making it available to users?
- Leadership, Policy and Strategy: How your library is fostering leadership and collaboration, both within the organisation and with other parties such as museums and archives?
- Innovation: Unique projects, which your library is leading. Collaborative research in virtual environments. The library as a data hub.
- Open Access: Business models, Open Access policies, how your library is supporting researchers in open access and data management.
- Promotions and Communication: How do you reach out to users? Have you run a campaign that gathered significant attention for your library?
Writing Guidelines
- Be Concise. Articles of 1,000 words or less are ideal. Put your main point into the first few paragraphs. You can add links to contextual information.
- Stand Out. Tell us what is unique about your story. What did you do or learn that other libraries may not have thought of? Which challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? What is your vision for the future?
- Be Practical. Share advice, learning points and additional resources.
- Include Pictures and Videos. Graphic material helps make a post more interesting. We aim to include an image or video with everything we publish.
All contributions to the blog will be licensed CC-BY, in line with LIBER’s Open Access publication guidelines.